Bilateral Meetings
- (9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m)
DescriptionThe Technische Universität Chemnitz/Germany is a Higher Education Institution consisting of eight faculties. The Computer Engineering Group at the Technische Universität Chemnitz does research in the field of design methodology for hardware/software systems with the focus on partitioning the design at high abstraction levels. Additionally, the development of throughput optimised architectures, the robustness analysis in the area of safety-critical embedded systems, the automated reuse of complex modules as well as the dynamic reconfiguration of real-time systems and clusters are important topics. The research directly deals with adaptive drone mission for optical inspections and the possibilities to use them in different civil scenarios like power pole and power pole isolator inspections. The Technische Universität Chemnitz participates in a wide variety of national and international research projects which involves partners and peers from many different countries, universities and research institutions. Out of our many activities we like to point out the examples SAGITTA (http://www.dlr.de/ft/en/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-1360/1856_read-39646/) and OPIRA.
Organization Type
CityChemnitz, Straße der Nationen 62 Google map
Areas of Activities
- Other
Adaptive drone mission
We offer ongoing research experience and first interessting results on adaptvie drone missions for example for optical inspections. Looking for research partners and new applications for adaptive drone missions.
Cooperation Offered
- Reaserch coooperation
- Join research project
Cooperation Requested
- Reaserch coooperation
- Technical co-operation
- Join research project